Looking for an Emergency Pediatric Dentist on Long Island?

We are located at 1219 Montauk Hwy, Oakdale, NY 11769

In Oakdale New York, we offer emergency pediatric dentistry treatments, including online consultations for kids with urgent dental issues!

Typical dental emergencies include, for instance:

  • Oral pain, such as a toothache
  • Damage to the mouth or face
  • Infection or abscess

Are you unsure if your child has a dental emergency?

As a guide, consider the following queries:

Do your gums have any swelling?
Is the area around your lips or face swollen?
Do you feel any pain?
Do you have oral bleeding?
Have you suffered any facial or oral injuries?
Does your child have trouble eating or causing discomfort?
Is your child having trouble gaining weight?

If any of the aforementioned questions apply to your child, they might be experiencing an emergency. You should contact an emergency pediatric dentist.

In the event of a genuine medical emergency, please dial 911 right away.

What to do if your Child Loses a Permanent Tooth

Until you visit the dentist, keep the tooth moist. Put it back into the socket if you can. If your child finds this too uncomfortable, consider saving it by placing it in milk or keeping it between his or her cheek and gums. If you are worried that your child might swallow the tooth, please do not place it in their mouth.

If Your Child Has a Bitten Tongue or Lip or a Cracked Tooth

Make sure the young person always rinses their mouth with warm water. One way to lessen swelling is with a warm compress. Use floss to carefully remove any stuck objects from your child’s teeth. Avoid attempting to remove it with a sharp object. For pain relief, children shouldn’t be given aspirin in order to prevent Reye’s syndrome.