Do Infant Teeth Require Fillings?

Smiling Mixed Raced Girl Brushing Teeth At Blue Background.
smiling mixed raced girl brushing teeth at blue background.

After taking your child to the pediatric dentist, you discover that the little one has a cavity in one of their baby teeth. Parents frequently ask us, “Can’t you just let the cavity go instead of going through all the trouble associated with filling it, since that tooth is just going to fall out anyway?”

It’s possible for tiny cavities to heal themselves through remineralization. If the cavity is detected early on by your pediatric dentist, they can offer you advice on how to take better care of your child’s teeth and possibly stop the cavity from getting worse. This will involve maintaining good dental health and oral hygiene practices.

Do Cavities in Baby Teeth Need to Be Filled?

Next, it might not be required to fill the tooth if the pediatric dentist finds that it is on the verge of falling out. The dentist might advise simply letting the tooth fall out without having it repaired if it appears like your child won’t have it for very long.

According to a 2014 American Academy of Pediatric Dentists study, almost 60% of American children will have some degree of tooth decay by the time they are five years old. According to the same research, if this decay is not treated, it might result in infection, trouble chewing food, and even malnourishment. According to other research, kids with dental decay frequently struggle in school because of the discomfort that comes with the condition.

Dr. Tran agrees that not too long ago, kids didn’t visit the dentist for the first time until they were late toddlers or early preschoolers and had a full mouth of teeth. However, given the ongoing rise in the prevalence of dental caries in children, it is now advised that children see a pediatric dentist by their first birthday. In this manner, we can assist parents in forming healthy dental hygiene practices, provide nutritional guidance, and keep an eye on their teeth so that we may take action before a small issue worsens.

However, why should parents invest the time and money in crowns for teeth that will eventually fall out? Simply said, tooth decay is a disease. It is caused by some bacteria that are easily transmissible and can last a lifetime. Furthermore, the permanent teeth may suffer harm even before they erupt if the baby’s teeth have significant decay.

Does Baby Teeth Need to Have Cavities Filled?

When is a cavity not going to need to be filled?

Let’s discuss the various methods a pediatric dentist can assist your child in reducing the discomfort caused by tooth decay. Baby teeth cavities can be treated in a variety of ways, similar to adult teeth cavities, from dental fillings to extraction of the tooth.

These treatments are primarily intended to keep baby teeth healthy, avoid further issues, and support the healthy growth of permanent teeth.

Dental Fillings:

You may be asking yourself now, is it necessary to fill baby teeth? Yes, is the response!

One of the best treatments for minor cavities is dental fillings. The procedure is straightforward: the dentist will first numb your child’s mouth to make them pain-free before extracting the decayed teeth. The entire infant tooth will then be filled with tooth-colored material.

Extracting Teeth:

Since dental specialists will make every effort to save a small portion of the tooth, this treatment is only performed in extreme instances. Recall that early tooth loss can lead to functional issues, including trouble speaking and chewing, as well as issues with the long-term alignment of their grins.

Pediatric dentists typically utilize local anesthetics to complete the treatment, and because the youngster may be uncomfortable, the recovery period may be prolonged.

Dental Crown:

A dental filling might not be sufficient to address the dental problem when the damage is more extensive. The dentist will advise using a dental crown in this situation. First, the area is made numb, the tooth decay is removed, and the tooth is shaped to fit the dental crown.

We understand that maintaining your child’s smile is of utmost importance to you, thus in order to prevent dental problems like cavities in baby teeth, we advise routine dental checkups and good oral hygiene.